ICCSA was formed to serve Christian leaders and ministries in Indonesia by applying God's Kingdom principles of stewardship and accountability. GTP was formed to mobilize peer-accountability groups like ECFA since it started in 1979. Our history below shares how ICCSA has been a part of GTP since 2020.

ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) was founded by Billy Graham, World Vision, and other ministries as a Christian accrediting organization to strengthen trust in and the effectiveness of Christian ministries in the USA. ECFA pioneered the practice of accreditation as a solution to the absence of information for donors regarding the financial integrity of Christian organizations.
After mobilizing ECFA-type peer accountability groups in several countries through publications and meetings led by Gary Hoag, GTP (Global Trust Partners) was founded to facilitate and support these groups under a separate organization. The network now stretches across Africa, Australia, Canada, Egypt, Guatemala, India, Philippines, South Korea, Switzerland, and the USA.

Our founding members were called to serve the Lord in Indonesia based on Biblical values and universal standards regarding faithful administration, i.e. Stewardship and Accountability. Gary Hoag held the first GTP meeting in Indonesia in February 2020. The meeting’s aim was to forge relationships, share the importance of faithful stewardship, and facilitate the for-mation of a peer accountability group for Indonesia. Shortly after the meeting, ICCSA (Indonesian Council for Christian Stewardship and Account-ability) was formed in August 2020 with the purpose of facilitating stewardship and accountability for Christian leaders, churches, and organizations in Indonesia.
ICCSA was legally registered in Indonesia under the name PMPAKI (Perkumpulan Majelis Penatalayanan dan Akuntabilitas Kristiani Indonesia) and launched publicly with the mission of serving Christian leaders and ministries in applying God’s Kingdom principles of stewardship and accountability. We do this by delivering our core programs of Advocacy, Capacity Building, and Accreditation.